Why social distancing is important

 At this moment it is very Importance of social distancing from your family and friends. This may seem hard, especially when you can’t go to work or your favourite restaurant. But it is crucial at this moment in the fight against COVID 19.“Social distancing refers to a way of creating a barrier of physical distance between two or more people so that transmission of virus can be prevented or halted,” says Arindam Basu, associate professor of epidemiology and environmental health at the University of Canterbury, in New Zealand.

If we take the Spanish flu as an example, this started spreading around the world after World War One, we can illustrate the effect of social distancing. This virus infected a quarter of the world population that is why the Spanish flu is one of the deadliest pandemics of the human history. In the middle of the pandemic, cities in the US planned on having parades to promote liberty bonds.

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